The mission of the Concordia University Ann Arbor Athletic Training Department is to take a Christ-Centered approach in providing high quality medical and comprehensive care to all student-athletes. This department is additionally aimed at facilitating educational development of all athletic training students through clinical instruction. We intend to fulfill our mission statement by:
- Being committed to practicing and leading with integrity
- Promoting and encouraging the advancement of the athletic training profession
- Providing care using the best practice for the total treatment of the student-athlete
- Adhering to the NATA Best Practice Guidelines for Athletic Training Documentation
- Adhering to the NATA Code of Ethics
- Maintaining a high level of professionalism while representing the Athletic Training Department and Concordia University Ann Arbor
- Being dependable and dedicated to our coworkers and the student-athletes
SportsWare Information
School ID: cuaacardinals
1. Log in using your email address and password.
a. If you forgot your password, click Reset Password/Forgot Password and complete those steps.
2. Complete and sign ALL forms prior to any physical activity with CUAA.
3. Update your insurance prior to any physical activity with CUAA.
1. Join SportsWare using the School ID cuaacardinals.
2. Wait to be added and check email for link to create password once added.
3. Complete and sign all forms prior to any physical activity with CUAA.
4. Complete the Medical History and Athlete Information sections prior to any physical activity with CUAA.
5. Upload your physical by adding a file in the forms tab, labeled "Physical".
Physicals will not be accepted if completed at an urgent care or by a chiropractor. Please see your primary care physician or you can contact our team doctors at Emmaus Health at (734) 930-4020.
Head Athletic Trainer - Kasey Ficken MS, AT, ATC
Contact: (734) 995-7362 /
(Cross Country, Women's Basketball, Cheer & Dance, Men's Lacrosse, and Men's/Women's Tennis)
Assistant Athletic Trainer - Kylee Dennison
(Volleyball, Men's Basketball, Softball, Indoor & Outdoor Track & Field, and Esports)
Assistant Athletic Trainer - Beth Kuhl ATC
(Women's & Men's Soccer, Women's Hockey, Men's Hockey, Men's/Women's Bowling, Baseball)
Team Physicians
Emmaus Health (General Medical)
Dr. Ryan Mlynarek (Orthopedic Surgeon) at IHA St. Joe's Ann Arbor
All student athletes at CUAA are required to have a physical on file and all required paperwork completed on SportsWare prior to ANY physical participation with their team.
Introduction Letter for Student Athletes
Information regarding athletic physicals for the 2024-25 academic year will be available starting June 1st and must be completed before Aug1st.
Information For Purchasing Supplemental Insurance