Esports Weekly Update (March 22nd - March 26th)

Esports Weekly Update (March 22nd - March 26th)

Our Overwatch team has had some roster changes, but they still took a tough 3-0 loss at the hands of Albright College. They will play again on March 29th against Keiser University Pembroke Pines.  


In off-season Smash action, captain Zach Yoder took second place the Unknown Weekly online tournament. He and the other members of the team have been hard at work playing in similar tournaments each week for Michigan rankings.


Call of Duty wrapped up their season in the College Call of Duty League with a win against the University of Cincinnati, finishing with a record of 2-11. For a team that came together the week the league started, they made tremendous strides over the last few months, thanks largely in part to senior captain and future team coach, Glenn Rose


In Fortnite solos, Zach Burk ramped his play even further and finished a season best 88th place. With a few weeks remaining, he is looking to retain a spot in the top 100 to qualify for playoffs and scholarship prizing.


Our Madden solo players had a somewhat unusual week with Andrew Foerster taking a close 2-1 loss and Austin Poe getting a win by forfeit. They both have three weeks remaining to qualify for playoffs. 


Rocket League's PlayVS league play continued with its second week of action. This week's CUAA Black roster featured Cloe Smith, Mike Brannan, and newcomer Shayne Erni. They took close losses to Louisville and Catholic University, taking a game off the latter. CUAA Red's roster was composed of team captain Noah Pastrana, Brendan Troyer, and Lizzy Knappenberger. This lineup has proved early on in the season to be a tough team as they unfortunately lost, but brought the first match against Eastern Kentucky to a four-game set and the second against Elon University to a deciding game five. They will continue their play on Thursday, April 1st.


We are still looking for the next great recruit for all of our teams in addition to students interested in stream broadcasting and/or community/social media management. If you are interested, contact the Director of Esports, Dominic Scala, at